Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The United States Classification As An Empire - 1941 Words

Although much debate surrounds the United States’ classification as an empire, there is no doubt or argument saying that the U.S.’s involvement in global affairs has changed the world, whether that is a positive or negative outcome will be left for another day. In this paper, the US shall be regarded as an empire because of its past and present actions in the global viewpoint. American dominance in the global view of the world can be traced back to the end of the Second World War, when they surpassed the United Kingdom as the world’s superpower, although many British people did not accept it at the time. It was at this time that the U.S. began to fight proxy wars to contain the threat of Communism, which just ended up undermining American†¦show more content†¦When the U.S. has resisted change and tried to maintain PA as it was once was, it has faced global opposition and ultimately its power was undermined, which shows that PA is no longer what it once w as and must be changed. An example of this would be when the U.S. promised to reform the International Monetary Fund, but Congress stalled. This led to the Chinese setting up their own bank with supporters that are the US’s allies. China is no longer dependent on the western nations and given the US’s relative weakness, they might try to shape the world to their needs (Layne). China has the capability to shape the world and may even surpass the U.S. militarily and economically with its very large workforce and government that can get things passed and done. The U.S. ultimately hurt itself by stalling reforms, allowing China to take action their own way (Cassidy). The U.S. has not only resisted change externally when dealing with PA, they have also resisted change internally by trying to keep up the old efforts and spending from when PA was sustainable and by engaging in bad politics. The U.S. has spread too thin in terms of military, but many American politicians are s till pushing for more military

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