Friday, August 23, 2019

Key historical and political trends in nursing research Essay

Key historical and political trends in nursing research - Essay Example Nursing research is not separate from nursing practice, it is a process that is interconnected with, is influenced by and influences other nursing components. These are philosophy, knowledge, science, theory, research, abstract thought processes, and nursing practice. (Burns et al, 2003). Nursing Theory links nursing knowledge to research and nursing practice. Dennis (1997) defines nursing theory as "a set of concepts and propositions derived from philosophical beliefs about the phenomena of interest to the discipline; relationships between concepts and propositions of a nursing theory purport to describe and explain characteristic phenomena of interest to nursing". (Dennis,1997 p.2). Nursing history is laced with nurses who have developed theories to explain nursing. Florence Nightingale is considered the first theorist and nurse researcher. Her principles of pure air, pure water, efficient drainage, cleanliness, light, proper nutrition, and rest were necessary elements to prevent spread of disease and maintain good health. Her precepts formed the basis of education for nurses during this time period. The 1950s, 1960s, and early 1970 saw the emergence of nurse researchers who sought to answer the questions pertaining to the role of the nurse and patient - nurse interaction. During this period, nurses developed nursing theories derived from the fields of sociology, and education. (Kukkala and Munnukka, 1994). Prominent figures were Hildegarde Peplau, who was concerned about developing interpersonal interaction between patient and nurse. Virginia Henderson focused on assisting the patient to gain independence. Faye Abdellah concentrated on delivering holistic nursing care Dorothea Orem focused on assisting the patient to attain self-care. These women set the path for the knowledge and theoretical base of the nursing profession. The National Center for Nursing Research, established in

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