Sunday, August 18, 2019

Vincent Van Gogh :: essays research papers

On March 30, 1853 Vincent Van Gogh was born in the small village of Groot-Zundert, Holland. When he is eleven, he begins schooling where he starts to draw for the first time. People begin to notice how magnificent his works were, and after he finishes school he begins to sell his paintings to art dealers. Van Gogh starts spending more time with his brother Theo. They create a deep bond with each other and discuss things, which today, help us understand Van Gogh much better. In 1873, he joins the London branch of the art dealers he originally started out with. He spends most of his time in museums and learns a great deal of information. He likes living in London and soon falls in love with the daughter of the owner at the boarding house where he was living at the time. He gets rejected which puts him in a deep depression, which distracts him from his work. He is soon transferred to the Paris branch of the art dealer. There is not much for him Paris so within a year he returns to L ondon. Even though he is back in London, he is still very distracted in his work. At the same time, he becomes obsessed with bible studies. Van Gogh resigns from his position in 1876 and leaves for Ramsgate, England. There, he takes a job as a teacher and curates with the local minister. The more obsessive his interest in religion gets, the worse his physical and mental state get. He leaves England a year later to take up religious studies in Amsterdam. He soon comes to an end of his formal religious studies, and travels to a small coal-mining district in Belgium. Conditions for the miners are terrible, but Van Gogh reads them the bible and gives them hope. Soon enough, he devotes all of his time to helping the miners by bringing food and clothing to the miners. Although his superiors like what he is doing, they believe that his behavior and religious belief is extreme. His position in the mining district is discontinued and he suffers great depression. In 1880 comes the turning poi nt of Van Gogh’s Life. He once again becomes interested in art and takes up further education at the academy of Brussels. He spends time with another painter Anton Mauve who introduces him to water colors.

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