Wednesday, August 7, 2019

The diffusion of germ theory in the 19th Century Essay

The diffusion of germ theory in the 19th Century - Essay Example But Germ Theory proposed a amazing statement that the interactions with microorganisms would help us to get rid of certain diseases. â€Å"Germ Theory was developed in a social, cultural, and economic milieu increasingly centered on the values of mass production, mass consumption, standardization, and efficiency, all of which were compatible with Germ Theory science and popularization.† (Historical views of diseases and epidemics: Germ Theory, 2010). The important microbiologists in the history are Ignaz, Louis Pasteur, Robert Koch, Dmitri and Alexander Fleming. This outline needs to consider that Germ theory can be defined by way of taking three statements together and they are â€Å"Germ theory states that a disease causing microorganism should be present in animals infected by disease and not in health animals. Germ theory states that a disease causing microorganism should be present in healthy animals and not in infected animals. Germ theory states that a disease causing microorganism should be destroyed. Germ theory states that a disease causing microorganism cannot be destroyed.† (Besty 2005, p.20). There is a historical significance in developing the Germ theory. The entire world was affected by Black Death, plague and leprosy. There was no knowledge about the cause of the diseases. This kind of miseries in life make scientists think about cause of the disease and it resulted in the discovery of germ theory. With the invention of microscope the scientists started to focus on the minute part of a thing. So also the physicians began to conduct researches to discover the root cause of the disease. Looking through microscope the physicians identified the smallest microorganisms which is the cause of certain diseases. The life of the people became very difficult with the sporadic nature of various diseases. Small pox, leprosy, tuberculosis, cholera, plague

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